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Board members: RC Chin-Wen LaiSherry Leung, Alan Tung, Prairie Lin, Richard Fu, Flora HsuLinya Wang, Min-Shan Chen

Organizers: Ming-Chi Tsai, Muen Lin, Chih-Chao Yang, Kai-Wen Yang, Eric Du, Brad Lin, Ning Chang, Jie-Yu Liu, Sean Huang,

Eric Kuo, Vatten Wu, Kai-Yuan Chen, Kuo-feng Weng, Wanlin, Andy Chen, Ric Liang, Yung-Hsin Huang

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賴勁文 RC Chin-Wen Lai


RC Chin-Wen Lai grew up in Taiwan. After getting his medical lab technician certification at National Taiwan University, RC decided to stay in research with Dr. Mi-Hua Tao at Academia Sinica in Taiwan. He came to the United States and got his Immunology Ph.D. at Washington University in Saint Louis with Dr. Thad Stappenbeck. At Amgen, RC is an immunoncology Senior Associate Scientist at ASF. During his downtime, RC competes in triathlons and plays volleyball and even tore his ACL. Fortunately he recovered well and is back on the courts. Unbeknownst to many, he is also invested in environmental protection as an instructor and guide in Society of Wilderness, dedicated to protecting the natural and ecological environment in Taiwan through education, habitat preservation, and public participation.

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